Excellent goods made in Hiroshima! Made in
Hiroshima Gallery

Japanese Sake[2016 2nd Term]Hiroshima Sake Brewers Association

Exhibitor (Manufacturer) Hiroshima Sake Brewers Association
Address 9-17, Teppo-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima
TEL (082)221-9338
Website http://www.hirosake.or.jp/

“Hiroshima Sake” features a flavorful taste, with a warm and crisp, rich aroma. At the First National Alcoholic Beverage Competition held at a brewing research institute in Tokyo in 1907, “Hiroshima Sake” won hands down, being awarded first and second prize among the five awards for excellence, which instantly raised Hiroshima’s reputation as an established sake brewing center.

Due to the limited space of the exhibition, we introduce only seven of the 49 brewers in Hiroshima Prefecture.
■Sempuku, Ginjoshu (Selected Sake), Miyajima-emaki… The Ginjoshu of “Senpuku,” a locally-brewed sake in Hiroshima that is highly aromatic with a delicate flavor.
Manufacturer: Miyakehonten Co., Ltd. (Hondori, Kure City)

■Doki-no-Sakura, Josen (high quality)… A full-flavored and sweet tasting sake. Best served cold or at room temperature!
Manufacturer: Etajimameijyo Co., Ltd. (Etajima-cho, Etajima City)

■Honshu-ichi, non-filtered Junmai Sake… A Junmai sake that boasts a gorgeous fragrance and a rich flavor.
Manufacturer: Umeda Shuzojo Partnership (Funakoshi, Aki-ku, Hioshima City)

■Hishimasamune Daiginjo… A Daiginjo sake with a resplendent and rich aroma and smooth taste.
Manufacturer: Kubota Shuzo Co., Ltd. (Kabe, Asakita-ku, Hiroshima City)

■Kirei Junmai Ginjo… Sake that combines a rich aroma and a crisp flavor.
Manufacturer: Kirei Shuzo Co., Ltd. (Saijo-Honmachi, Higashi-Hiroshima City)

■Junmai Ginjo Ryokusen Honjikomi… An aromatic and flavorful sake representative of Kamoizumi.
Manufacturer: Kamoizumi Shuzo & Co., Ltd. (Saijokamiichi-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima City)

■Hibabijin Junmai Kizake… Sake with a modest aroma and a rich but refreshing taste.
Manufacturer: Hibabijin Brewery Co., Ltd. (Mikkaichi-cho. Shobara City)

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